I feel that this 40 seconds or so that was created from the film 'Pendant' showed many different skills that I possess, including ones like a a steady shot, for example in the beginning scene when our actor is walking into his lead space and the camera pans comfortably, also this shot is framed well, having him in good space at all times.
In our clip, I used a variety of different shot types, including a mid-shot, long shot, over the shoulder shot and a close-up. We used different composition skills such as various fades.
I feel that our final clips shots flow well together, and we apply the rules of continuity editing well, with all the shots making sense and following eachother. In editing we decided to add two fades, A fade in and a fade out which link with eachother, and I think this was a very appropriate transition to add into our peice, as it clearly shows when the story ends and the credits start.
My 40 second clip shows that I can select my content well, as appropriate costumes, props, locations and actors were used. The costume we used was very much what we would expect a 'normal' person to be wearing, and the prop we used was a gold necklace, much like the one in the film. The location was also good, as the water and trees around set the atmosphere. Our actor was appropriate in that he played his character and emotions well.
I personally feel that I contributed well to all areas of this film, including the planning, filiming and editing. I feel I contributed well in Planning because I found the appropriate actor, aswell as suggesting the location. Also, I mainly operated the camera when it came to filming, and found most of the appropriate angles. I contributed some to the editing, but most of the credit has to go to my partner, Liam.
I dont think that that many improvments could have been made to our final film, as we did all the shots how we were meant to. We probably could have dressed our actor in all black, which is the clothes he is wearing in the film.
When it comes to our final coursework film, I dont think that we will do things majorly differently, as we were very organized when doing this peice. However, we could perhaps look at the weather forecast on our filming day, because it started to rain when we got to our location, which stalled us.